Step 1
Create a new flash document. Press Ctrl+J key on the keyboard (Document Properties) and set the dimensions of your document as whatever you like. Select #003399 color as background color
. Set your Flash movie's frame rate to 20 and click ok.
Step 2
Take now the Brush Tool (B) and choose the following options:
Then, draw a shape like it is shown on the picture below!
Step 3
Click now on frame 25 and press F6 key. Then, move your shape using the Selection Tool (V) or by arrows key on the keyboard a little down.
Step 4
Create now a new layer (layer 2) and set it below the layer 1. See the picture below!
Step 5
Select now layer 2 and take the Oval Tool (O). Then, for Stroke color choose No color, for Fill color choose any color and draw a circle about 30x30 px and place it on the position like it is shown on the picture below!
Step 6
While the circle is still selected, go to the Color Mixer Panel (Shift+F9) and choose the following options:
Now, you get this:
Step 7
Click now on frame 25 and press F6 key. Then, take the Free Transform Tool (Q) and enlarge the circle like it is shown on the picture below!
the size of the circle:
Step 8
Select now layer 2 and go to the Properties Panel (Ctrl+F3) below the stage. Then, on the left side, you will see Tween drop down menu. Select shape on it. See the picture below!
Do this also for layer 1.
Step 9
Select layer 1 and convert it to a mask by right-clicking on the layer 1 and selecting Mask. See the picture below.
Step 10
It's time for sound. So, download my fla file (example file) and copy it from flash library (Ctrl+L) and paste it into your flash library.
Create now a new layer above the layer 1 and name it sound. Then, select sound layer and using the drag and drop technique, move it from flash library into a flash stage.
That's it!
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